
  • 發(fā)布時間:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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  1._____has just taken his first step into_____.


  A. Man; space B. The man; space C. Man; the spaceD. Men; a space


  2. They are _____.


  A. mathematics student


  B. student with mathematics


  C. students with mathematics


  D. students of mathematics


  3. Though our home was right in the center of the tornado, there was_____




  A few damages


  B. few of damages


  C little damage


  D. little of damage


  4. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of _____ she may be in.


  A. mood B mind C. form D thought


  5. He dropped the _____ and broke it.


  A.cup of coffee


  B. coffee's cup


  C cup for coffee


  D. coffee cup


  6. I have a dream that we will one day live in a _____ where we'll have a lot of trees and fresh air.


  A. stateB. countryC. nationD space


  7. He went to the front a soldier and came back _____.


  A to be a general


  B. becoming a general


  C. a general


  D. being a general


  8. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into_____.


  A. lightB sightC. eyesD. effect


  9. He is used to _____.


  A. work hard


  B. hard work


  C work hardly


  D hard-working


  10. He went back to the hall to try his _____ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.


  A bestB success C. result D. luck


  11. It's really _____ computer games. But remember not to play too much


  A. funs B. fun C funny D. a fun


  12. He left _____ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would like keep _____.


  A. words; his words


  B word; his word


  C word; word


  D. the word; his word


  13. The child is looking forward to _____the Great Wall.


  A visiting to


  B a visit to


  C visit


  D. be visited


  14. The new law will come into _____on the day when it is passed.


  A. effect B being C. serviceD existence


  15. -Did your father give you courage?


  -Yes, but I spoke from my own thought and certainly not_____.


  A himB. hisC from him D from his


  16. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active and fills my retired life with _____.


  A. surprise B anxietyC joyD. difference


  17. What a _____ that your mother is ill again.


  A pain B. sorrow C sadness D. pity


  18. He told me he had been offered a well-paid _____.


  A. business B service C work D. position


  19. There was a small _____ of sugar in the bowl.


  A. number B. amountC part D. size


  20. Today CCTV offers a great_____ of programs to meet the different needs and_____.


  A. variety; tastes


  B. many; interests


  C. deal; like


  D. number; habits


  21. Mary regretted _____ to John’s birthday party last Sunday.


  A. not going  B. not to go  C. not having been going  D. not to be going


  22. The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.


  A. to have translated  B. to be translate


  C. to have been translated   D. to translate


  23. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _____ with all kinds of goods.


  A. loading  B. being loaded  C. to be loaded  D. having loaded


  24. I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.


  A. shall finish   B. must have finished


  C. have finished  D. shall have finished


  25. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a _____.


  A. job   B. work   C. profession   D. living


  26. I’m sorry I couldn’t get in touch with him before he left, I _____ him earlier.


  A. had a telephone   B. have phoned


  C. should have phoned   D. should be phoned


  27. With the old man _____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.


  A. leading   B. led  C. lead   D. to be led


  28. _____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.


  A. Not know  B. Know not   C. Knowing not   D. Not knowing


  29. Nowhere else in the world _____ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.


  A. you can find   B. is found   C. can you find   D. has been found


  30. The voters told the politician that he could _____ on their support in the next general elections.


  A. expect   B. decide   C. count   D. doubt


  31. An old friend from abroad, _____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.


  A. that   B. whom   C. who   D. which


  32. Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.


  A. could study   B. studied   C. had studied   D. would study


  33. When she heard the bad news, she _____ completely.


  A. broke away   B. broke up   C. broke down   D. broke out


  34. He _____ a large fortune from his business.


  A. made   B. won   C. expected  D. gained


  35. He never wrote to his father _____ he was in need of money.


  A. except   B. except when   C. except for   D. except that


  36. He looked behind him to _____ he was not being followed.


  A. believe   B. find   C. make sure   D. look


  37. The car was repaired but not quite to my _____.


  A. joy   B. pleasure   C. attraction   D. satisfaction


  38. Are you _____ spending more money on the space program?


  A. in favor of   B. by favor of   C. in favor to   D. out of favor


  39. Fortunately, the demonstration _____ to be quite peaceful.


  A. turned in   B. turned out   C. showed off   D. showed up


  40. _____ was unimportant.


  A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not


  B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner


  C. If he enjoyed our dinner


  D. What he enjoyed our dinner


  41. It is _____interesting book. It gives _____wonderful picture of what _____ life was like in ____ Victorian times.


  A. a; the; the; the B an; a; ╳; the


  C. the; the; ╳; ╳D. an, a, ╳, ╳


  42. Everybody should mind ____own business.


  A. hisB. one’s C their D. theirs


  43._____of March is my sister’s birthday.


  A. The twenty-one B. Twenty- one C. The twenty-firstD. Twenty –first


  44. If the local government took some measures, there would be ____crimes in the town.


  A. lessB. fewerC. many D. little


  45. You’ll run ____trouble if you don’t take care.


  A downB. at C. acrossD. into


  46. They returned successfully from ____moon to ____earth .


  A. ╳, ╳B. ╳, theC. the, theD the, ╳


  47. “Did Jack and Tom go to the film yesterday evening?” “No. _____of them did.”


  A. EitherB. Not oneC. Neither D. No one


  48. A student should be _____ intense concentration.


  A. capable toB. able ofC capable of D. able to


  49. He was ____for murder .


  A. hang B. hung C. hanged D. hanging


  50. The rain _____and the air was clean.


  A. had stopped B. has stoppedC. will stopD. was stopped


  51. Mary said she____ to Beijing twice.


  A. had gone B. wantC. had beenD was


  52. Must I attend the meeting? _____.


  A. Yes, you need. B. No, you needn’t. C. Yes, you do. D. No, you don’t.


  53.Finally his boss found an excuse and had him ____from the factory.


  A. dismiss B. dismissing C. to dismiss D dismissed


  54. My bicycle needs ______.


  A. repairedB. repairingC. to repairD. being repaired.


  55. People _____in this firm were mostly women.


  A working B. worked C work D. being working


  56. They requested that we ____a delegation to their country.


  A would sendB. were to send C. sentD. should send


  57. English _____all over the world. And many children start to learn English at very young age.


  A. is speaking B. speaking C. speaksD. is spoken


  58. If I _____ his telephone number I _____him.


  A knew, callB. knew, would callC. have known, callD. knew, am calling


  59. On seeing an old woman _____off. A young man rushed up to help her.


  A. fallingB fallC. fellD. felt


  60. “My daughter ______in 1997,” she told her friend.


  A. did marriage B. got married C. had marriedD. married


  61. But for the heavy rain, they _____earlier.


  A will have come B cameC. would have come D. had come.


  62. She has the ability to keep _____in an emergency.


  A. calmlyB. calmC. to be calmD. being calm


  63. She ____ that they can mistake this for that.


  A thinksB.does thinkC. doesn’t thinkD. hasn’t thought


  64. Sometimes we may ask ourselves _____the result will be if an earthquake strikes in our area.


  A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. what


  65. We even have no idea ____will happen, so we all feel nervous.


  A in which B.in what C. of whatD. of which


  66. John bought a new car on the day when ____him.


  A did we meetB. have met C. we met D. we meet


  67. How ____he plays the violin!


  A. graceful B. graceC. gracefullyD. gracefulness


  68. We decided against turning to others for help for the reason ____we could manage to control it.


  A. becauseB. for whichC. that D. why


  69. We left the mother a note ____she was worried when she came back.


  A. if B. so that C. in case D. unless


  70. Professor Black has us _____a composition every Friday.


  A to write B written C. wrote D. write

















